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The Murder Of Michael Jackson- The First Chapter




happy birthday DevanshikaHAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVANSHIKA!!!

I had planned to give this to you in full novel form, as a proper hard copy present. But you especially told me not to. I couldn’t find the original copy but I tried to create a much better one. Hope you like it. Gimme your critique. Its still not complete as I did not have enough time to complete it. I will write the rest in the coming days. Love you loads… You are one of my best of friends and I want you in my life forever. So here it goes…

Follow the Murder of Michael Jackson for the chapterwise listing Read more

The Unknown- I woke up

I hear rain. Slowly my senses were coming back to me. I felt my clothes soaking in water. That was maybe because of the rain. I tried to open my eyes. They were really heavy.

I can’t move anything. How did I get here? But the more intriguing question my mind was boggled with was that WHO THE FUCK AM I??

— For complete chapter wise listing of this story go to The Unknown —

I could not recollect any of my memories, my name, nothing, all blank. I think I was suffering from acute memory lossRead more

The Mystery of the creepy island – The Note

The Truth and Dare game was simple. There was an empty glass bottle which was rotated in between the circle made by all the players. When the bottle stopped the person in front of the bottle’s cap was asked “Truth or Dare”. He or She had to choose one.

If he or she chose truth than he or she was asked a question for which he or she had to give the correct answer.

If the person had chosen dare then he or she was given a task which he or she had to fulfill or they would lose.

So in this round Dazz was on the victim side of the bottle and Courtney on the asking side. She asked, “Truth or Dare.”

To impress Rachel, he said, “Dare.”

Rachel was thinking that Courtney would ask him to kiss her but she didn’t. She asked worse. “Your dare is you’ll have to go and catch a wild animal from the jungle and don’t come back without one.”

It was a bad idea as it was still night time.Although Dazz had never hunted before, he accepted the challenge and said, “Okay, I’ll be back.”

Dazz stood up and vanished in the darkness. Rachel got worried. The sun came up and still there was no sign of Dazz. Something was wrong. Rachel woke Courtney and others up and requested them to help her find Dazz as he was missing. She made the others follow her towards the direction Dazz went. After some time they found a weak bridge. On their side of the bridge a note was there.

It read,

If I have still not returned than you’ll find this note.
I’m on the other side of the bridge and I might need help

Dazz Randolph

Stay tuned for more crisp…