There was blood everywhere on the walls and Debbie was hung to the ceiling fan. Gross images of death kept coming in my mind. I could not believe that Debbie was dead. Ronald killed her.

— For complete chapter wise listing of this story go to The Unknown —

He found out it was her and he must have removed all of the other’s memories too. He is right back on track. It’s up to me to stop him now. 

Her face was torn off and her arms had some kind of scribbling scratched on them. Her hands were all bloody. Upon closer look, I found that her hand had something in it. It was mushy and squishy. Then I realised what it was. It was her face!

I immediately threw that away. Then I had a closer look at the scribbling. It was some sort of latin.

Sed purificationes possunt aperire portas sapientia

I could not understand what these Latin tattoo sayings meant so I clicked some snaps. To my surprise, the other hand also had something in it. I was about to ignore it because I thought it was her face too but then I looked at it more carefully and found out it was a piece of paper.

I took that paper. It was blank. I still kept it with me. It might have some kind of different ink which was visible under some specific circumstances. I thought I should get back so that Ronald does not suspect me again.