The light vanished as soon as Sarah entered the attic but the humming sound continued. She heard the attic door behind her sweep shut as she followed the voice. A small red colored light appeared at the end of the attic. A little girl appeared in the light.

Chapterwise story listing -> The Superstition

She was facing the wall. Slowly she started turning towards Sarah. Sarah stopped walking. The little girl kept on humming. She started walking towards Sarah with her hands held out. Sarah didn’t want to but she was compelled to hold her hands out too.

Both of them started moving towards each other now. As the girl moved towards Sarah the red light moved with her. The girl made Sarah hug her and said, “You are mine now, mommy. I am never letting you go! HAHAHA!!!” 

Sarah tried to break free but she couldn’t. She couldn’t scream, she couldn’t move, basically her body was not in her control. Then she heard Aditya screaming her name. That gave her some strength and she tried to shout back at him.

It worked! She said, “I’m in the attic and a little girl is not letting me leave!” After she said that, she heard footsteps going away from the attic. Aditya may have abandoned her. She was devastated and let go of herself.

The little girl took her hand and pulled her towards a shelf for dolls. She picked up a doll which looked like Sarah and she started pulling her hair. Sarah felt that pain. Whatever the little girl did, Sarah felt it in her body.

The girl made cuts on the doll’s belly and Sarah felt them. They even appeared on her body. And she couldn’t snatch the doll from the girl. She couldn’t even move. Now all she could do was wait for help.

Aditya couldn’t think of anything to save Sarah. He had to do anything to save her. He thought of one thing his grandfather told him when he was a child. You burn someone’s bones to give them peace so that nothing holds them back to this world and they can go free.

He had to go by this hunch. He ran back to the basement where he saw the advisers bury the little girl and dug up the bones and carried all of them to the kitchen. Then he burned all of them on the stove he had his friend put up the day before they came there.

Suddenly the lights in the attic flickered to life and the little girl vanished with her dolls. Sarah could move again. The door down from the attic opened. Sarah ran down the stairs and found Aditya waiting for her.

They ran towards the main door and opened it. It could open now. They were overjoyed to see the sunlight and outer skies shining through the main door. Suddenly the door started closing automatically. Aditya pushed Sarah out but couldn’t get himself out in time. He shouted from inside, “The adviser’s ghosts are not letting me out!”

“How did you stop the little girl?” Sarah shouted back.

“Find the advisers’ bones and burn them. That will make me free. Till then I’ll try to survive but hurry! They will be buried around the estate only!”

She ran around and found two tombstones. She started digging.

Inside the house the couple cornered Aditya and tore off his shirt. The girl said, “Come play with me… come play with me.” as she stopped him from moving around. The male started hitting him with his belt.

He screamed in pain. He was about to get unconscious when suddenly they disappeared and the door was opened by Sarah. Aditya ran out of the house and hugged Sarah. They went straight to his friend’s house. His friend said, “Where the hell were you? I got worried sick about you guys! I even called the cops!”

“What? We were gone for about three days!” That’s not enough to call the cops!”

“You two have been missing for a month now! We have been looking for you in the woods! We almost gave up!”

“What!!! We gotta get out of here now. Let’s get you back to your country!” Aditya said.

Both of them went back to Delhi and got the earliest flight out of there.