It all started when some of my friends and I decided to scare the scaredy cat of our group. We planned a trip to visit the dense forest of amazon. I had everything planned with a little help from Nadia (my girlfriend). It was her father’s private jet which took us with our six other friends including the scaredy cat Melissa.

Read complete story chapterwise here -> The Misdeed

Looking at her you would think nothing can scare her but she gets scared even by a door opening. After what happened I could never forget what she looked like. She had long black hair with light yellow sort of golden eyes and a really fair complexion.

She was Nadia’s best friend and to tell you guys the truth I kind of wanted her to be my girlfriend but one day I took Nadia to be Melissa and confessed my love and she became my accidental girlfriend. Nadia also had pretty good features if you know what I mean. Now she called all the shots of our group and it was her idea to scare Melissa.

Anyways back to my story, we took Nadia’s jet to Amazon where everything was already set. All of us went into our respective rooms in Nadia’s vacation cottage. It was set up for her dad’s business. He had some medicinal plants growing up in that area which he needed for the new medicine his company was developing.

The Plan

Nadia always took me on trips to this cottage and whenever we got time we had some physical fun. One day the servants told Nadia about the haunted spirits in the dense forests of amazon and she had the idea of scaring Melissa. Next day we planned the whole thing together. Nadia called the rest of the group to Amazon except Melissa just to make the horror a little more thrilling. We planned for the whole week and made preparations.

Now with Melissa in our trap we were going to execute our plan.

Stay tuned for more crisp…