They split up to find Dazz. Luthor ,Natalie, Rachel and Courtney went straight. Nick, Natasha and Sam went left. Miss Tanya, Gary and Rajesh went right. They were going to use mockingbirds for signal. They were going to signal the birds and the birds would transfer the signal.

After  around 3 hours of continuous searching Miss Tanya found Dazz unconscious near some trees. The tree and Dazz’s hand had a claw mark each. Gary gave the signal while Tanya shook Dazz to wake him up. When everyone arrived Dazz gained consciousness. He looked terrified. Rachel came running to him and kissed him and hugged him.

He said, “We gotta get out of here right away.”

“Why? What happened?” asked everyone. He didn’t speak for a while then Rachel asked, “What happened my love?”

The Attack

He said, “I saw a weird creature. It was about 12 feet tall, had face of a wolf and could stand on two’s and all four’s. It ran like hell and had hair all over the body. He  chased me and did this (He showed them the claw mark). Fortunately I escaped and fainted around here as I suffered from concussions while I was running. Please we have to get out of here before that beast comes.”

Luthor said, “But the bridge is broken and the airport is on the other side.”

“This is an island right?” said Dazz, ” We should find the shore and then maybe we find some ship going. We have a flare gun with one shot. We can use it to get some help.”

“Good idea. Can you walk?” said Miss Tanya.

“Yes, let’s go.” Dazz said…

Stay tuned for more crisp…