Previously we know the biotech engineer Dr. Frank Rehley and her wife Trisha Rehley adopted a child they named Shelisa. She looked and behaved like a normal child but she had some extraordinary abilities….

When Frank woke up the next day he couldn’t help but notice that Shelisa had grown abnormally in just a day. She looked more like a two year old. Frank had to take her with him to the lab even after Trisha protested. He convinced her by saying that this would be her last trip to the office. At his office he called his lab assistant, Lenard Cooper. He told him to get all the D.N.A. tests ready and switch on the computer with the D.N.A. scanning machine he designed himself.

He carefully took out a sample of Shelisa’s blood and placed it on the machine. The machine immediately took scans and put it in the software designed to monitor D.N.A. The software checked each D.N.A. strand in the blood sample. It came across an odd looking D.N.A.

Quadruple Helix DNA

Normally a D.N.A. was a double helix. This D.N.A. had 4 helices. When Frank tried to fetch information from the D.N.A. it showed weird new protein combinations. Frank made a new genetic discovery. He also discovered that when the blood sample got the heat of the machine, the new D.N.A. started replicating at an alarming rate and it started killing the other D.N.A.

He quickly turned the machine off after saving his reports and told Lenard to carefully keep the blood sample in the refrigerator.  After that, headed back home. He told everything to Trisha. Trisha was so excited to know that Shelisa could have extraordinary abilities that she would be different from other girls of her age. Shelisa was thinking that she was a lab rat again but still she had a vibe that this family was going to be different.

Stay tuned for more crisp…