Inflicted-dissociative identity disorder storiesThere have been a lot of dissociative identity disorder stories and even fictional ones show dissociative identity disorder causes. Inflicted deals with a Multiple Personality Disorder victim.

It’s been a long time since I started a psychological thriller. So here is inflicted. Inflicted is a must read for curious minds and especially those who crave for wisdom of the functioning of the human mind.

How a human mind does exceptional wonders which not even the greatest doctors can put facts to. I won’t be giving out much of the story in this excerpt as this is one of those stories where each and every person can have a different perception.

The next paragraph contains a small paragraph which is enough to peak the curiosity of everyone.

DISCLAIMER: This story is not for the weak hearted as it contains lot of explicit, gruesome and bloody parts.

The cover image of this story might give most of the readers the idea that this is just another rape victim’s story but it is a lot more than that. It’s about what recurring trauma and disappointment does to a still growing fragile human mind.

There are about sixty percent children in India who go to bed hungry and out of those about eighty percent are beggars and out of these eighty percent a whopping seventy percent are abducted children. These beggars are abducted at an age of 10-15 and then they go through a treatment that is much worse than death and they are sent out to beg and the people responsible for this earn at least 200 rupees each day from each child they put on the road.

As they have all the higher authorities paid off, their work is ignored and they live their life lavishly. Inflicted is about a girl suffering from psychogenic amnesia because of what happened to her when she was abducted at a young age of 10 years.

It depicts what she went through and how that changed her into someone else. It shows how even the strongest of minds have a breaking point when they lose all hope and how a credible ray of hope could bring the brightness back into a pitch black life.

This story is about a girl named Anishi Kaur Randhawa. Her name means bright and luminous. The traumatic struggle she went through gave her a Dissociative Identity Disorder and she became Yelda which means dark night. Stay tuned to know what triggered this change and what all was tried to bring that sweet chirping innocent girl back and whether all  that worked or was her mind too damaged to be fully repaired. It was probably everything she went through during her childhood.


  1. The First Encounter
  2. The Reality
  3. Job Day
  4. Unexpected
  5. She’s my baby sister
  6. Day Off
  7. I did not run away
  8. The Dilemma
  9. Cured
  10. Unstable and Dangerous